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Asisttel, Assistance Services, S.A, is a Spanish company with more than 20 years of experience in provision of Care Services for elderly and dependent people, being one of the first national companies in the Care Sector.

Asisttel was created in a specific moment in which society was suffering deep changes in relation to the needs of the elderly population. The company started working and offering a telecare service for elderly people.

The philosophy of the company is to get a positive social impact on dependent people and collectives at risk of social exclusion. For this reason, our main goal is to “improve the quality of life of our users and their families”.

Over the years, the company has diversified the collectives and groups with whom it works, offering different types of services.

-Elderly Services: we manage “day care centers” and “nursing homes for elders”. These centers provide services to more than 300 of elderly people.

About 75-80% of our users have cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer or Parkinson, among others. For this reason, we offer a personalized itinerary and intervention program for each user.

We try to encourage the user´s personal autonomy, while covering their heath, personal and social needs.

Among others, the company offers specialized care programs in different pathologies, working the stimulation of each user in a comprehensive way (physical, cognitive, social and emotional stimulation).

The company researches and launches the newest treatments in order to improve the physical and functional condition of users.

As social company, we give particular emphasis on issues such as Corporate Social Responsibility and quality certifications. In this area, Asisttel has been the first Andalusian Company that has obtained a quality certification (ISO 9001/2008 standards) in a Day Care Center.        

-Home Care Assistance: the new social needs have generated an increased demand for domiciliary care services, aimed to dependent people. Asisttel offers this service since 2004, as a result of the demand generated in the society.

Asisttel provides an integrated Home Care Assistance for dependent people: elderly, people with disabilities, sick persons, children and people that in general require support for daily life activities.

A personal and domiciliary integrated care service is offered, based on personal and socio-sanitary actions, domestic service, specialized healthcare and professional support.

The company has a quality certification in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-158301 Standard, for the management of home care services.

-Childhood Services: Asisttel works in the management of public and private children´s nurseries schools around Andalusia.

We provide service to more than 1.000 children from 0 to 3 years of age.

One of the differentiating elements of our nurseries schools is that we have developed our own educational model. In this educational project, we work with the latest educational innovations applying the latest new technologies, and working in the environmental care, music therapy, emotional intelligence, or artistic expression, among others.

-Training Services: the company has a Training Center with certificated facilities in which we offer different training programs. We are specialized in vocational training in the socio-sanitary and health care sector.

Since 2009, more than 3.000 people have been trained in the following courses:

  • Social Health Care for people at home
  • Social Health Care to dependent people in social institutions
  • Specific Training for Caregivers

A wide range of our training courses are aimed to caregivers, nurses and professionals who work in the health care sector and with dependent people.



Among good practices and relevant projects developed for our organisation, we can highlight the following innovative training programs:

  • Cuidabus (“Care-bus”): It was an itinerant training project at State-level which, through a fully equipped bus, provided social and health training to about 14400 non-professional caregivers.
  • Non-professional caregivers: project aimed at offering support through training workshops in different towns of Andalusia, through about 560 people were trained. These training programmes had innovative training methodologies.

We participate in European projects and we are developing the Project “Innovative Approaches and Methods of Home Care Givers” (Erasmus + KA2): projects aimed to “Collect and exchange Best practices on Home Care models”.