BQS GmbH Döbern
Identification of Skills needs and Training by Elder Caregivers

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BQS GmbH Döbern is a municipal qualification and employment company based in the south of the state of Brandenburg in Germany.

The mission statement of BQS GmbH Döbern is "dealing with quality and social commitment". The organization, implementation and supervision of social measures, in particular for the support and reintegration of beneficiaries, the long-term unemployed and the socially disadvantaged, is the most important goal of society.

Due to its shareholder structure, BQS GmbH is committed to public and municipal interests. It sees itself as a municipal and social service provider and, with the creation of additional social services, is an integral part of the social networks in the region.

The BQS GmbH Döbern is certified for Measures for activation and occupational integration and Vocational training measures comply with the Accreditation and Licensing regulations (AZAV).

Our main project areas are:

  • Basic education center for literacy and basic education Cottbus Spree / Neisse
  • Integration support for long-term unemployed and family communities
  • Preventing imprisonment through social integration
  • Supplementary independent participation consultation for the disabled
  • Consultation and support for foreign refugees
  • Employment measures for the long-term unemployed
  • Basic Training Courses

Company address: Forster Straße 88, 03159 Döbern
Postaddress: Charlottenstraße 11, 03149 Forst
Telefon: +49 3562 - 693 530 00
Fax: +49 3562 - 693 530 04